Has Your Email Address Been Breached?

Has Your Email Address Been Breached?

Recently a trove of records from all the recent breaches was found on the dark web.  It's the largest collection discovered to date and holds 770 million email addresses. That means there are good chances your email address is floating around available to questionable characters.

You can check to see if your email address has been spotted in such collections.  You can also check to see if your password has been included in breached files.

Check your email address.
Check your password.

Our recommendations:

If you find that your email address has been breached (it'd be a miracle if it wasn't, based on the numbers) don't panic.  Our email addresses are everywhere and pose no risk just by being on a list, unless they are on a list with your password.
If you find your password has been breached, please change your password IMMEDIATELY.

It is a good practice to change it, at least once a year.  It doesn't have to be super complicated, in fact, length is better than complex.  So try something with a minimum of 8 characters, include capital and lower case, include at least one number, and a symbol for good measure.  Write it down somewhere very safe in case you forget---happens to me all the time!

Do not store your email or bank passwords in your browser. These are the main passwords you want to have memorized and not stored where hackers can access

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